"They've all been... absent for a while now. None of them have been seen since the bus crashed during their trip to Swiston. I hope they'll be alright, now where was I..."

What is this place?

"Hello, Traveler... This webpage is for storing information these unlucky 16 that have plumeted into this.. magical forest. Click on a page to find out more about them!"

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
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Image 8
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Image 13
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Image 15
Image 16

Who are these kids?

"These kids were the smartest class at Oliminia Academy. All student listed were primary examples of role models and as such they earned an award for all their work. They were on a trip to Swiston until their bus had crashed and sent them to a different world. How do I know this? Well, it's a secret I'll forever keep to myself."

Who am I?

I'm Unit! I'm an artist who just wants place to put my little fellers. I used to be on twitter primarily and post art but now I just hop around like a frog and post things in discord servers from time to time.

These 16 are on artfight, so uh, here's my link!